Welcome to
Farwest Physiotherapy

We work relentlessly and enthusiastically to deliver best physiotherapy services

The Farwest Approach to Allround Physiocare

Farwest Physiotherapy is a private physiotherapy clinic that delivers top notch physiotherapy services in a serene environment where the ambience is fashioned for optimal rehabilitation, the reception is exceptional and the facilities are highly sophisticated with seasoned professionals across different fields of specializations.

The friendly and caring approach taken by all our physiotherapists, alongside their extensive experience, means that you can be confident that any treatment you receive is of the highest quality.


Why choose Farwest Physiocare?

Our reputation and resolve for result stems from our renowned excellence and consistency in providing unparalleled physiotherapy services. We therefore make bold to declare that being good at what we do is our norm.

More Experience

Our physiotherapists pride themselves in vast years of clinical experience and competency across orthopedics (musculoskeletal problems including sport injuries), neurological (brain & spinal cord related conditions), pediatrics (children’s conditions and development), geriatrics physiotherapy (elderly) and much more. We are all professionally registered members of the Medical Rehabilitation Therapy Board of Nigeria (MRTB) and other physiotherapy sub groups.  We are highly skilled and up to date with the latest evidence based cutting edge in clinical practice and development. We enjoy a cordial relationship with top hospitals and leading medical professionals across the country.

Our Focus

We work extensively and thoroughly to get you as good as possible and drive your rehabilitation in the right direction in as quick as possible timeline.

Unparalleled Expertise

We do not adopt the flawed premise of using a ‘pain model’ approach to recovery, which could be reactive at best and detrimental to your activities rather we adopt a ‘functional model,’ which is proactive in nature and improves your activity of daily living while resonating your body’s interactions with the world around you.

Our Awards and Recognitions

We can fix the unfixable and treat everything physiotherapy of course except for heartbreaks

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